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Radical Relating in Archan Villaging & Gameworld Builder Lab

We are discovering that if you create the culture you want to live in, your fears of leaving modern culture fade away.

1 The missing link is that you did not learn Radical Relating skills for Archan Villaging and Gameworld Builder in school. Together we can remedy this defect.

Buckminster Fuller said, "You no not change things by fighting against the existing gameworlds. You change things by cavitating and inhabiting new gameworlds contexted in Radical Responsibility, Nonmaterial Value, and Authentic Adulthood Initiations that make the existing gameworlds irrelevant and boring." (Well, he was trying to say this... We are sure that he would have said this if he had these distinctions to use...)

Radical Relating unleashes creative collaboration between Radically Free, Free and Natural Adult Women and Men. You don't need what modern culture offers to create this. What you need is an Archan Village.

But Radical Relating in Archan Villaging and Gameworld Building are new sets of skills and awarenesses. That is why, for five days at this Lab, we will help each other practice these transformational and healing skills from Archiarchy. You will be surprised by the levels of intimacy and connection you will be able to create and expand using these new tools.

Our intention is that one hundred Bridge-Houses, Archan Villages, and Archiarchy Invention Centers sprout from the possibilities we all create together at the Radical Relating Archan Village Gameworld Builder Lab.

See you there!
