Diese ganze Website ist voller Ressourcen und Möglichkeiten, Trainings von unseren Trainern in unserem Kalender, um deine Initiation und Transformation zu unterstützen, Services für Heilung und fortlaufende Praxis durch Possibility Teams, Rage Clubs und viele andere Formate, die von Trainern und anderen Raumhaltern mit Possibility Management Erfahrung angeboten werden, und schließlich diese Seite voller Ressourcen, die wie die anderen Seiten auf unserer neuen Website fortlaufend erneuert wird.
Die folgende Liste ist auf englisch, da im Moment fast alle externen Ressourcen in englischer Sprache sind mit Ausnahme der S.P.A.R.K.s, für die es eine Reihe Übersetzungen gibt, des Angebots auf next culture press sowie des Matrix bildenden Spiels Intensity (diese beiden Webseiten sind nur auf deutsch).
The 600+ interlinked websites of the free-to-play massively-multiplayer online-and-offline matrix-building personal-transformation real-life adventure-game for upgrading to Archan thoughtware are accessible through: StartOver.xyz and spaceport.mystrikingly.com.
S.P.A.R.K.s are Specific Practical Applications of Radical Knowledge, presented as a Distinction, unfolded as Notes, and made available in your daily life through matrix-building Experiments to try. S.P.A.R.K.s are being translated into twenty different languages, all available online for free here.
Read startlingly clear investigations of distinctions you perhaps did not know that you did not know about. This collection of articles is a treasure-chest full of ‘Jewels Of Possibility’.
For a rich assortment of PM related Podcasts from WorkTalks and workshops, including archival recordings from some of the first PM meetings over twenty years ago, please visit nextcultureradio.org.
Learn about the history and evolution of the Possibility Management gameworld at the ‘Museum of PM’.
Next culture ideas are expressed in new distinctions. We collect distinctions from the Archan language in an online ‘Distinctionary’.
Connect with the People / Places / Projects of Possibility Managers around the world.
Study over 100 actual Emotional Healing Processes where clients gain clarity and possibility, superb for developing your Possibility Coaching skills.
Information about the collaborative learning environments called ‘Bridge-House’.
Check out Torus Meeting Technology to shift from hierarchical to circular meetings through building new skills and learning Torus Technology processes.
Available online for you to use: Our copyleft collection of evolving PM Thoughtmaps.
Also available online for you to use: Our copyleft catalog of evolving PM Processes.
Certain books are rich with crucial matrix-building distinctions and stories valuable for healings and adulthood initiations. We have been collecting these titles for decades and offer them to you as Possibility Books. For German books written by Possibility Trainers or authors close to the context look at next culture press, too (website in German only). If you speak German, you might also want to check out the Matrix building card game Intensity.
Specific films show extraordinary and archetypal interactions and problem solutions while offering Possibility Management ‘movie quotes’ as ‘food’ for Possibilitators on the evolutionary Path: Possibility Films.
Emotional Healing Process Collaboration Group