Felix Fulda

Possibility Trainer

Felix Fulda
I have loved the Earth since I was little. For my first career I learned how to be a landscape architect and gardener and built gardens for people for many years. Gradually I realized that not only does Earth have trees, plants, and soil, it also has animals and people. I began searching for how to transfer my love of growing healthy beautiful things from working with plants to working with people and found Possibility Management trainings.

German, English


Southern Germany

I dove in but never imagined that one day I would have the joy of delivering Expand The Box trainings and Possibility Labs even to participants in a foreign country! For sure this is an example of the magic and power of Possibility Management moving people into their true calling. Now I take care in training spaces to provide what is needed by people to leap into their new future. I am particularly inspired when men transform towards authentic men's culture. This is what makes a genuine relationship with women possible. I envision a world of people living in conscious connection with nature and founding local regenerative communities helping each other with authentic initiation into adulthood.

Contact me

efulda.f@web.det+49 176 344 320 75