What does it mean to upgrade your thoughtware?
People usually adopt a majority of their thoughtware directly from their parents before they go to school. But what rule says that the thoughtware you adopt as a baby is the optimum thoughtware for you to be using in your adult life? This would be as silly as saying, “Since I first learned to use VolksWriter on my IBM PC that is the program I will use forever.” Just because you are currently using certain thoughtware does not mean that is the most effective thoughtware you could be using. It is straightforward to upgrade your thoughtware. The process involves identifying the thoughtware you currently use, thoroughly seeing its consequences, understanding how alternative thoughtware would function, and deciding which thoughtware you want to use. While switching from one thoughtware to another there may be periods during which time the old thoughtware is disassembling but the new thoughtware is not yet up to speed. This transition time may be experienced as a liquid state.
Why are people afraid of upgrading their thoughtware?
Perhaps it is not that people are afraid of upgrading their thoughtware so much as they are afraid of the unconscious experience of fear. Being afraid of fear is a conditioned response from modern culture. Initiated adults regard their fear as a valuable amplifier for insights and attentiveness. Fear naturally accompanies any internal or external change because we don’t know what will come next and we don’t know if we are prepared to survive in the new circumstances. Conscious fear tells us what to prepare for and what to take care of in the change process. Sadness also naturally accompanies change because we need to let go of and grieve the old familiar ways in order to replace them with new ideas, attitudes and behaviors. Anger accompanies change when old habits persist and we have not yet achieved competence in the new ways. And joy also accompanies change with raw pleasure at new experience and expanded playing fields.
We have practical proof that human beings can connect into far more powerful internal and external intelligence and energy resources than modern education has ever led us to believe. We are so happy to discover this because it makes life more surprising and dynamic than surfing Facebook.
Here is a video list of 150 initiatory processes.
The field of Box Technology explains how we each build a unique Box for ourselves out of stories, habits, interpretations, meanings, assumptions, attitudes, prejudices, customs, conclusions, beliefs, rules, and other thoughtware, with the overall purpose of assuring our own survival. The Box filters everything we can perceive and everything we can express.
The Box is meant to be transcended during our late teens and early twenties like butterflies escape from their cocoon, but making the Box optional requires formidable and authentic adulthood initiatory processes. The patriarchal empire eliminated initiations long ago, probably because initiations identify psychopathic personality traits. The result is that persons holding leadership roles in modern culture’s hierarchies are uninitiated, operating from within defensive-purpose Boxes that must be right and win or else they feel life-threatened. The result, of course, is interpersonal, intergender, intercultural, and intergovernmental war.
The Thoughtmap of Box Technology turns out to be one of the most powerful tools from Possibility Management, explaining the relationship between the Box, the Being, and what might actually be possible right now.
You can compare the liquid state with the situation of a pupated larva before the butterfly hatches. After its transformation the larva no longer hatches as a larva. A completely new form emerges with new functionalities and new possibilities. The in-between state is when structural components can move around and establish new relationships with each other.
This transformation process would naturally occur at an age between 15 and 18 when a human being is structurally capable to take 100% responsibility and to feel and navigate 100% intense feelings. But since this is not a natural part of modern culture we start in the safe space of a training exactly where you are.
During authentic adulthood initiatory processes human beings experience liquid states in one or more of our four bodies: physical, intellectual, emotional, and energetic. A liquid state does not guarantee a change. However, if there is no liquid state how could anything shift around? Learning the characteristics of four-body liquid states helps you detect when change is underway, and a map indicating how the change may be happening. If a change is desired then a liquid state confirms you are right on course!
Gandhi said: “You need to be the change that you want to see in the world.” Even if your opinion is: “Well, so far I got through life pretty good, even without transformation,” an era is dawning where the change may not even knock on your door anymore but just walks in.
And then it would be good to know the liquid state.
Unconsciousness prisms into a rainbow of Shadow Principles including Revenge, Hatred, Survival, Betrayal, Being Betrayed, Superiority, Manipulation, Blame, Deception, Exclusion, Disempowerment, Good / Bad, Arrogance, Disrespect, Scarcity, Competition, Being Right, Self Pity, Greed, Envy, Jealousy, Sneaking, Resentment, Making Wrong, Withholding, Domination, Contamination, Separation, Right / Wrong, and so on.
The process of stellating requires that you experience and express one hundred percent maximum intensity of each of the four feelings (anger, sadness, fear, and joy) intentionally until you discover that although the energy of the feelings is big, you are bigger. Then for the rest of your life the energy and wisdom of your four feelings is available to you, and your feelings start informing you in very low intensities about what you need to take care of, rather than thinking something is wrong with you because you are having a feeling.
Copyleft is appropriate because the growing set of tools, processes, and thoughtmaps through which Possibility Management is applied come from an inexhaustible source of clarity and possibility open to all who can access it. In fact, one objective of Possibility Management trainings is to prepare you to personally jack into the same bright principles that empower Possibility Management so that these bright principles can serve you for the rest of your life as resources, and through you, your people.
And since Possibility Management is not about mastery or being perfect you would be called a Possibility Manager once you have graduated from Expand The Box training and continue to walk your path of authentic adulthood initiations.
Possibility Management produces the opposite of a sect. There is nothing to believe in. Everything will be tested by your own experimenting. Step-by-step you gain the clarity and power to take a stand for yourself and walk your path in order to unfold your beneficial talents to serve the world and bring your true calling to life. Possibility Management is a way to find and actively live your authentic vocation. Consequently, the tools of Possibility Management are copyleft and open code, meaning no license fees are charged for the trainers. Because of this Possibility Management can be further developed by anyone who understands the ideas and can generate the context of radical responsibility.
It is not expensive either if you know the relative value of what Expand The Box delivers in the personal-development training market.
From one perspective, Expand The Box is free because it is possible to get millions of dollars for free through legalized gambling with commodities shorts and puts and futures, using insider information in stock-market trades, running money-market systems, etc. Banks and Governments “print” trillions of dollars for free in their computers, and give this money away as grants to other countries as long as those who control those governments use the free money to buy products from the granting government’s businesses. Multinational corporations externalize environmental and social costs while changing nature’s wealth into free money as “profits”. From this clarity, paying money for Expand The Box is giving something fake to receive something real. This deal may not continue to be available much longer…
From another perspective, Expand The Box costs everything you have. This is because during Expand The Box your “you” – the story-world you’ve created about yourself which you believe is true and which you unconsciously identify as “yourself”, in other words, your Box – changes fundamentally. After you are digested by a few Possibility Management distinctions nothing works the same anymore. The whole world opens up in unexpectedly delightful ways. Expand The Box costs you everything because your previous relationship to the world ends. This is one reason why rich people almost never participate in Expand The Box: fear of losing everything. Which in one sense is a valid fear, and yet, in the same sense, it is just as valid to say that what you get in return is more than everything you had before.
However much money you have, your relationship to money is challenged by the Expand The Box training. Being challenged in general is an essential part of it.
The intensity of Expand The Box’s challenge is why we cannot charge anything for Expand The Box. Without paying the full price you will not make full room in your life to receive the astonishing quantity of high-quality possibilities given by the training experience. We have tried over and over again and found that it also does not work to collect grants to provide half-price scholarships or free seats for those people who “have no money.” What we found is that the people who “have no money” have no money on purpose. It is a political statement to have no money.
The requirement of paying for Expand The Box quickly reveals the hidden purposes behind the political position of “I have no money.” This can be a valuable heart-opening process.
It is not whether or not you already have enough money for Expand The Box that determines whether or not you come to Expand The Box. Nobody already has enough money for Expand The Box unless it is your practice to reserve a certain budget for personal development trainings each year – not a bad idea! Most people already have all their money dedicated to other purposes and don’t have a thousand bucks sitting around.
The determining factor as to whether or not you attend Expand The Box is whether or not you have truly decided to come to Expand The Box.
Authentic decisions do not happen in your mind. Authentic decisions happen in your energetic body and each decision changes who you are.
In the moment you irrevocably decide to participate in Expand The Box your energetic body changes shape and the universe must conform to your new shape. Then the money seems to come all by itself. It is your decision that opens doors. This is the first money secret.
Deciding is so simple! What could ever get in the way of this? Fear can get in the way.
Since an authentic decision changes who you are, and since deep change is frightening, then if you try to avoid the fear you will avoid evolutionary change. This means you will never grow up, the equivalent of a butterfly never hatching out of its chrysalis to fly free in the wind. To justify this atrocity it becomes convenient to believe yourself when you say things like, “I don’t have enough money for Expand The Box. It is too expensive.” This statement gives you a logical reason that explains to your logical mind why you must avoid getting for yourself something a part of you may, in fact, deeply long for.
We are trained to be afraid of fear by modern culture. On modern culture’s Old Thoughtmap of Feelings, fear is one of the negative or bad feelings that you should avoid at any cost. This is convenient for the regime because then, if they can make you afraid, they can control you as easily as herding sheep.
This leaves us in a quandary. How can you apply an initiated relationship to fear so you can register for Expand The Box when you have not yet done Expand The Box and are probably still afraid of fear?
One way through this is to let yourself get even more afraid of continuing your life as it is than you are afraid of changing your life. Get afraid of missing the opportunity to upgrade your thoughtware. Be afraid of years going by chasing modern culture’s illusionary carrot-at-the-end-of-a-stick security, when you could instead be using those years to head into an entirely different future.
When you get more afraid of staying the same than you are of changing, you no longer need to use the story, “I don’t have enough money” to avoid registering for Expand The Box. You can simply decide you are going to Expand The Box and start behaving as someone who is getting their money together.
Then you will discover that getting the money together for Expand The Box is itself part of your initiation. Accomplishing the challenge of getting the money together is not so much a benefit for us as it is a benefit for you.
Once you figure out how to get $1000 together for the Expand The Box’s tuition, overnight stays, food and transportation, your new skills make it possible for you to get $100,000 together, or perhaps $10,000,000 for even bigger projects.
Authentically deciding for something shows up as you being committed to that thing. Commitment is decision in action. Committing to a thing even before you know how to do that thing forces the universe to give you the know-how for doing that thing. Would you spend the time and energy to give someone the know-how if they are not already committed to doing the thing no matter what? No.
The universe is not stupid. The universe conserves know-how because know-how is precious. The universe provides know-how to those who are already decided and therefore committed. So a second secret about money is to commit first, before you know how. Then there is true necessity for you to gain the know-how.
Before reading the list below, prepare yourself with these three actions: First, label a big glass jar “Expand The Box Money”. Do not take money out for anything except Expand The Box.
Now is the only time you can put money in your jar. Put a dollar of you own money into the jar now.
Yes, it is true: whatever money you put in the jar is no longer available for cigarettes, cokes, ice-cream, restaurant meals, movies with your girlfriend, or that new pair of shoes. But each time you put more money into your jar you prove wrong the story that you don’t have any money for Expand The Box. Look at your jar. You ALREADY have money for Expand The Box in the jar! Is it enough money? Do not count how much money is in your jar for two months! Just keep bringing in the money for Expand The Box.
Second, select an Expand The Box training to attend that is 4 to 6 months in the future. Register for that training. Tell the Trainer you are committed to coming no matter what and that you are getting $1000 together to come.
Third, circle #1 plus four more plans in the list below and start doing all 5 of them simultaneously. Don’t be concerned if you are not good enough to do them, or if you don’t know how to do them, or if you feel too embarrassed to do them, or if while you are trying to do them the details morph into another set of actions, so long as you keep using what you learn to improve your “sourcerer” or “sourceress” skills, and you keep taking actions to get your money together for Expand The Box.
If you wish to organize an Expand The Box training in your area the best way is to contact ask one of our Trainers. Tell them what you want and they will help you make it happen. The International Trainer Team can deliver Expand The Box in English, German, and several other languages. If you are asking to have an Expand The Box training for your circle of people in a country where there are no certified Possibility Trainers yet, the one you asked will either gather a team themselves or present your wish to the International Trainings Team and they will arrange to support your organizing efforts to deliver Expand The Box in your location. Experience has shown us that a local organizer needs to already have at least 300 enthusiasts in their circle of friends in order to see 25 participants in their first local Expand The Box training.