I find it embarrassing to admit that life can make sense. Not from a logical point of view, of course. But more sense than being squeezed through a culture-stamping machine that cuts off imagination and feelings, and other inner resources, then having to grope around for an identity to wear like a permanent smile. We try our best to make do. It is frustrating to seek help and get solutions that focus on symptoms but ignore the core problems.
Region Zurich (CH)
It seemed things could not get darker after losing my second wife. I could no longer look in the mirror and call myself a father. Or a husband. Or even farther from the truth, a man. But sometimes you have to let go of the old before new things can appear. I can’t explain how it happened that one day I started reading Radiant Joy Brilliant Love by Clinton Callahan and could feel the cobwebs getting blown out of my carburetors. Then I attended Nicola Nagel’s Expand The Box and 10 PLabs and it felt like open-heart surgery, only without anesthesia. I trusted the Trainers, and for some reason they trusted me. And then the universe stepped in, never leaving a resource unused. First I led an Expand The Box in Southern Germany with Felix Fulda. Then six weeks later I was leading the first ever Expand The Box in India – alone, at Auroville! And it was excellent! I had so much fun. The feedback was immensely positive. I arrived back in Switzerland a very different Georg than the one I thought I knew. What comes next? I suppose I could trust the universe and not try to figure that out. But I tell you, this is still a stretch for my Box. It makes sense that I get to practice not knowing by teaching improvisational theater, music, and dance to both children and adults.