Vision Quest Lab
Bring your vision to life
  Tue, Jun 3 @ 09:00 - Fri, Jun 6 @ 17:00
  Seminar Farm Inner Nature - Loitzendorf (Southern Germany)


€ 650 - 950

VAT included. Sliding Scale - you choose freely according to your commitment, your appreciation, and your resources. Room and board extra. If you are living in and traveling from another country, a different tuition might apply - please ask on registration.

Info & RegistrationPatrizia Patz

ekomm@lebe-deine-berufung.det+49 171 9230 220wlebe-deine-berufung.de

Use the contact also for details about content and logistics of this specific event beyond the general information on this page.

A special kind of Lab

The Vision Quest is a very ancient and well-known process of self-healing and initiation in the wilderness. In this special Lab, we combine this ancient knowledge with the powerful distinctions and initiation processes of Possibility Management. The core of the 4 days is a vision quest where you spend 24 hours in nature - alone and in close connection with the whole team.

The purpose of this extraordinary initiation process is to actively deal with the eternal cycle of life and death, allowing you to reconnect with life again and again, to realize the purpose of your own existence and to find your own personal life mission. It's about consciously letting go of the long outdated and inviting the new that wants to emerge into your life. The wilderness, with its direct and symbolic language, serves us as a magical, sacred space and mirror.

„Deep down you know the truth. It is time to cross the border. It is time to take the step. It is time to inherit your life. It is time to wake up and let go, because your authentic being is waiting for you.”

The first day of the lab serves as a preparation of your vision quest. On the second day, at sunrise, the real adventure begins - your Quest. After a threshold ritual, you will spend 24 hours alone in nature - in deep dialogue with you and Gaia, to say goodbye to what no longer belongs to you and to receive what you want to be born. Day 3 and 4 serve for the integration and completion of the individual processes.

You should have already visited at least 1 normal lab to get the most from this particular lab.

If you feel in resonance with this extraordinary training, then decide for it without knowing how to do it.
