Gero von Aderkas

Possibility Trainer

Gero von Aderkas

I am fascinated by humans; our creativity, determination, love – optimism. Equally, I am blown away by the linearity of our thinking, the convictions, the us vs. them, the length we’ll go to, to prove ourselves ‘right’.

What is really motivating us? How much are we aware of the internal drivers in our behaviour? Where are we reacting - rather than responding to circumstances? And, what else is possible in human relating and on this beautiful earth?


German, English


Northern Germany

Over the years of working with people I have come to realise that we need each other to ‘see’ ourselves. Yet, how can we stay connected and in relationship when there is apparently little common ground?

By exploring and expanding my capacity to hold space for the seemingly increasing contradictions and polarities of our time I have cultivated a deeply grounded presence, acceptance and patience which I now offer to others. I appreciate group dynamics – the gentle stalking, the presencing, the transformation and the healing that can occur if the shared space allows the unfolding and integrating of our unconscious aspects. I enjoy supporting people to discover and reinvent themselves.

While I was born and raised in Germany, I took the opportunity to move to Australia in 2001 where I ended up living for 20 years. This part of my life-journey included marriage, having kids, being torn between countries, the end of that relationship, rock bottom. Finding more of myself, re-partnering, community and eventually co-founding ‘The Art of Relating’ und developing the ‘Reclaiming Anger’-Program to transform people’s relationship with the energy of Anger.

My academic training has been in nursing with particular focus on mental health and PTSD. Since 2014 I have journeyed with Possibility Management and I deeply appreciate the clarity, distinctions and applicability of this work in all areas of my life. Oh yes, and life itself has probably taught me most! Today, I am committed to serving my bright principles: Inspiration, Love, Clarity, Evolution and I hold the intention for ‘Winning Happening’ to take place wherever I am.

Which areas of your life are you currently developing and where may I be of assistance?

Contact me

egerova@gmx.comt+49 1511 7696 490