What is Thoughtware?


FAQ: What is Thoughtware?

Thoughtware is what you use to think with. It is not the content that you think about such as: what will I do next, how much do the others like me, or what to make for dinner. Thoughtware is built out of memes, and creates a specific context out of which our actions and interactions emerge. For example, the thoughtware of public school generates a context where it is understood that: “The teacher is forced to follow the rules set by the administration. There are set hours and a set curriculum for learning with graded tests. If you get the best grades you will get the best jobs.” The thoughtware of free school generates a context where a different understanding emerges: “The hours and curriculum for learning are set by the student’s interest. The test is if the student activates their potential and experiences inspiration through delivering their gifts to the world.”

What does it mean to upgrade your thoughtware?

People usually adopt a majority of their thoughtware directly from their parents before they go to school. But what rule says that the thoughtware you adopt as a baby is the optimum thoughtware for you to be using in your adult life? This would be as silly as saying, “Since I first learned to use VolksWriter on my IBM PC that is the program I will use forever.” Just because you are currently using certain thoughtware does not mean that is the most effective thoughtware you could be using. It is straightforward to upgrade your thoughtware. The process involves identifying the thoughtware you currently use, thoroughly seeing its consequences, understanding how alternative thoughtware would function, and deciding which thoughtware you want to use. While switching from one thoughtware to another there may be periods during which time the old thoughtware is disassembling but the new thoughtware is not yet up to speed. This transition time may be experienced as a liquid state.

Why are people afraid of upgrading their thoughtware?

Perhaps it is not that people are afraid of upgrading their thoughtware so much as they are afraid of the unconscious experience of fear. Being afraid of fear is a conditioned response from modern culture. Initiated adults regard their fear as a valuable amplifier for insights and attentiveness. Fear naturally accompanies any internal or external change because we don’t know what will come next and we don’t know if we are prepared to survive in the new circumstances. Conscious fear tells us what to prepare for and what to take care of in the change process. Sadness also naturally accompanies change because we need to let go of and grieve the old familiar ways in order to replace them with new ideas, attitudes and behaviors. Anger accompanies change when old habits persist and we have not yet achieved competence in the new ways. And joy also accompanies change with raw pleasure at new experience and expanded playing fields.
