

€ 650 - 950

VAT included. Sliding Scale - you choose freely according to your commitment, your appreciation, and your resources. Room and board extra. If you are living in and traveling from another country, a different tuition might apply - please ask on registration.

Info & RegistrationAnne-Chloé Destremau


Use the contact also for details about content and logistics of this specific event beyond the general information on this page.

It came to me to make an announcement: Women! It is time for us to start over. We start over now in a different context. Our new beginning originates in consciousness, radical-responsibility, and interdependence. Regaining our dignity in a context of interdependence is not a selfish act. Regaining our dignity is taking a stand for ourselves in relationship with other women, men and Nature.

This Women's Possibility Lab is an invitation for us, dear women companions, to be among friends who demand and require that we respect and dignify ourselves.

There are so many domains for us Women, to building matrix and initiate ourselves into the Power and the Responsibility of Being Woman at the Edge of Chaos.

This every-unfolding collaboration and invention causes Archiarchal Women's Culture to already exist in the morphogenetic field of Gaia's Earth.

This is our invitation.
